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Ethical Considerations in Diagnosing Disorders of Consciousness

Ethical Considerations in Diagnosing Disorders of Consciousness

Lorell LaBoube interviews Art Caplan and Joe Fins about their article in the America Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience focusing on ...
A Progress Report on Palliative Care

A Progress Report on Palliative Care

Christian Sinclair, associate medical director of Kansas City Hospice, Karin Porter-Williamson ...
Terri Schiavo – Five Years Later

Terri Schiavo – Five Years Later

Terri Schiavo’s story turned into a national shouting match over life and death and who decides ...
What did the Nancy Cruzan case mean for us?

What did the Nancy Cruzan case mean for us?

Twenty years ago, William Colby argued the Nancy Cruzan case before the US Supreme Court ...
Balancing Faith and Politics

Balancing Faith and Politics

Episcopal priest and retired Missouri U.S Senator and attorney general John Danforth presented the keynote address at the Center’s 25th ...
Without Regrets: A Nurse's Advice about Aging and Dying

Without Regrets: A Nurse’s Advice about Aging and Dying

Caring for our frail parents, spouses and friends is fraught with choices and decisions ...
Ambivalence about End of Life Planning and Assisted Suicide

Ambivalence about End of Life Planning and Assisted Suicide

In 2012, American Medical News reported two not wholly unrelated articles ...
DNR Orders and Foregoing Treatment

DNR Orders and Foregoing Treatment

A study in the Journal of the American Medical Association suggests Do Not Resuscitate orders may prompt caregivers to forego ...
From POLST to TPOPP in California and Beyond

From POLST to TPOPP in California and Beyond

POLST coalitions (Physician Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment) are developing across the country ...
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