Ethics Committee Consortium
Ethics Committee Consortium
The Ethics Committee Consortium is a collaborative effort of more than 20 healthcare organizations who meet on a regular basis to:
- Educate themselves to “do ethics”
- Develop and review hospital policies
- Consult on complex cases arising in the organization
These activities have been shown to improve patient outcomes and reduce organizational risk.
Ethics Committee Resources
In recent years, the Center launched the Ethics Committee Consortium Webinar Series, which features monthly webinars on a range of topics from introductory training for new ethics committee members to case retrospectives and discussions on emerging issues in healthcare. This series is supplemented by periodic ethics committee skills development Workshops held in Kansas City.
When your organization or you become a member of Consortium, you will receive the schedule of webinars and workshops. Watch for an online discussion group forming to engage members in more robust ethics conversations. The online discussion will be monitored and facilitated for quality and responsiveness.
Month | Type | Title |
Jan | Webinar | Professionalism & Intro to Bioethics |
Feb | Webinar | Autonomy & Informed Consent |
March | Webinar | Into to Ethics Committees |
Apr | Break | |
May | Workshop | Conducting a Family Meeting |
June | Webinar | Brain Death & Jahi McMath |
July | Webinar | Artificial Intelligence & Healthcare |
August | Workshop | The Ethics of Pandemics |
September | Webinar | Landmark Cases: Nancy Cruzan and Karen Quinlan |
October | Webinar | End of Life Decision Making |
November | Webinar | Unrepresented Patients |
December | Break |
Ethics Dispatch
Recently, the Center launched the Ethics Dispatch, a monthly email containing discussion of bioethics issues, related news headlines, case studies, and philosophical musings from Center staff and other contributing authors. The Dispatch is designed to contribute educational content for regular ethics committee meeting agendas.
Ethics Committee Handbook
By joining the Consortium, you can request free copies of this handbook designed to orient new committee members.
Please email
Resources for creating an Ethics Committee
Please visit our Ethics Committee Resources Page.
Ethics Committee Guidelines
Reviewed and Revised in 2015:
- Recommendations for the Development of Policies and Procedures for Ethics Committees
- Ethics Committee Case Review Checklist
- Considerations Regarding Withholding/Withdrawing Life-Sustaining Treatment
- Patients’ Rights Guidelines Document
- Guidelines for the Determination of Decisional Incapacity
- Healthcare Narratives from Diverse Communities – A Cultural Diversity Self-Assessment Tool for Healthcare Providers
- Healthcare Treatment Decision Making Guidelines for Adults with Developmental Disabilities
- Guidelines for Providing Ethical Care in Difficult Provider-Patient Relationships
- Honoring Do-Not-Resuscitate Order during Invasive Procedures
- Considerations Regarding the Needs of Long-Term Care Residents for Intimate Relationships and Sexual Activity
- Healthcare Treatment Decision Making Guidelines for Minors
Become a Consortium Member
Committee Membership
Ethics Committee Consortium membership is primarily composed of ethics committee members at hospitals and other providers that partner with the Center for services under our Ethics Direct/Ethics+ Plus program.
Please join the Ethics Consortium as an individual to receive the benefits of membership and to support the work of the Center. For as little as $5 per month, you will be supporting educational content that helps ethics committees grapple with tough issues. Ultimately you will be contributing to improved outcomes for patients, families and all those who care for them.
By joining as an individual of the Consortium, you become part of the Practical Bioethics Sustainers Council — someone who creates a reliable source of year-round funding to infuse ethics into health and healthcare while you receive information and updates on bioethics issues.
For more information about the Ethics Committee Consortium and its programs, contact: Polo Camacho, 816-979-1366 or
The following guidelines are provided for historical reference:
- Ethical Guidelines in Managed Mental Health
- Ethical Issues in Managed Care: Guidelines for Clinicians and Recommendations to Accrediting Organization
- Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection: Ethical Guidelines for Health Care Providers
- Implementation of Patient Self-Determination Act of 1990
- Meditations, William G. Bartholome, with preface by Don Reynolds and foreword by Myra Christopher
- Recommended Policy Guidelines Regarding Medical Futility
History of the Consortium
The first hospital ethics committees in the nation were established in the 1970s, and the primary catalyst for their growth was the 1976 Karen Quinlan case. As the case was argued, the judge, who had read an article about ethics committees in the Baylor Law Review, remarked that cases like this belong before ethics committees rather than courts.
In 1992, the Joint Commission – then the Joint Commission for the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations – mandated that hospitals establish a clinical ethics “mechanism.” The three primary functions of ethics committees, as identified by the American Hospital Association in 1986, are to:
- Educate themselves to “do ethics”
- Develop and review hospital policies
- Consult on complex cases arising in the hospital
In 1986, in response to numerous ethics committee members seeking opportunities to learn from each other, the Center for Practical Bioethics convened the Kansas City Regional Hospital Ethics Committee Consortium, which remains the oldest continuously operating Consortium of its kind in the nation. Through the years, the Consortium has developed guidelines in response to issues raised by members.
Become a Consortium Member
Committee Membership
Ethics Committee Consortium membership is primarily composed of ethics committee members at hospitals and other providers that partner with the Center for services under our Ethics Direct/Ethics+ Plus program.
Please join the Ethics Consortium as an individual to receive the benefits of membership and to support the work of the Center. For as little as $5 per month, you will be supporting educational content that helps ethics committees grapple with tough issues. Ultimately you will be contributing to improved outcomes for patients, families and all those who care for them.
By joining as an individual of the Consortium, you become part of the Practical Bioethics Sustainers Council — someone who creates a reliable source of year-round funding to infuse ethics into health and healthcare while you receive information and updates on bioethics issues.
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