
Showcasing skills, creativity, and talents.

Protect Your Family Before the Phone Rings

Her father remained in a persistent vegetative state for the next 12 years, while Monica and her brothers wished to...
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Employer-Supported Professional Development: A Personal Perspective

Being new to the nonprofit sector, Odessa Sawyer, MSW, writes this blog sharing a fresh perspective on how the for-profit...
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Four Areas of Practical Bioethics

In this blog, James Stowe, PhD, the president and CEO of the Center, highlights the four areas of practical bioethics...
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AI Ethics and the Productivity Trap

In this blog, Matthew Pjecha, MS, Ethical AI Program Coordinator at the Center, considers what will happen when future best...
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What I Wish I Had Known Then and What I Know Now about Ethics Consultation

Recognizing American healthcare has many problems without solutions, Trudi Galblum, Marketing Director, writes about the good news that resources do...
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Advance Care Planning: Responding to the Need for Diverse Communities’ Participation

In this blog, James Stowe, President and CEO, discusses building on the Center's legacy work in Advance Care Planning, the...
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Center for Practical Bioethics Crossword Puzzle

How well do you know the Center for Practical Bioethics and the field of bioethics? Take a break and have...
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Clinical Ethics Consultation: How I Make a Difference on the Worst Days in People’s Lives

The nature of my work as a clinical ethicist - whether working with a patient, a physician, or a nurse...
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Three Definitions of Medical Futility And How to Balance Them

As modern medicine continues to push forward, it will continue to create scenarios that challenge our presupposed notions of right...
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