Author / Monica Delles

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  • A Progress Report on Palliative Care

    Christian Sinclair, associate medical director of Kansas City Hospice, Karin Porter-Williamson

  • Should Religion Play a Role in the Practice of Medicine?

    Dr. Farr Curlin, assistant professor of medicine, and Dr. John Lantos, both from the University of Chicago, address the question: Should religion play a role in the practice of medicine?

  • Terri Schiavo – Five Years Later

    Terri Schiavo’s story turned into a national shouting match over life and death and who decides.

  • Working with the Aging Workforce

    Steven Joiner, head of the Workforce Pillar of the KC4 Aging in Community initiative, discusses why the workforce needs to shift perspective on aging from one of burden to asset.

  • Aging in Kansas City: The Data

    John Carney, CEO of the Center for Practical Bioethics, discusses how Kansas City’s aging population will affect all aspects of life

  • What did the Nancy Cruzan case mean for us?

    Twenty years ago, William Colby argued the Nancy Cruzan case before the US Supreme Court.

  • Bending the Healthcare Cost Curve

    Bending the Healthcare Cost Curve Marci Nielsen, vice chancellor of public policy at the University of Kansas Medical Center, and Dr. Rene Bollier, a family practice physician in Kansas City, discuss whether bending the cost curve in healthcare is possible and how it may affect the healthcare people received. Recorded in October 2009. Download
  • Creating Caring Conversations for Young Adults

    Caring Conversations for Young Adults

  • Balancing Faith and Politics

    Episcopal priest and retired Missouri U.S Senator and attorney general John Danforth presented the keynote address at the Center’s 25th Anniversary Annual Dinner in 2009.

  • Do Our Genes Tell Us Who We Are?

    In conjunction with a Center symposium, “Genetics: Jewish Diseases and Personalized Medicine,” Jon Entine, author of Abraham’s Children

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