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Physician-Assisted Suicide: A Different Approach
Physician Assisted Suicide - A Different Approach More requests for physician-assisted suicide are not due to present suffering. Steps must ...
The Case of Melinda and Matt: Ethical Indicators of Futility in Critically Ill New Mother
Who is responsible for healthcare decisions of this 31-year-old African American woman? Should her advance directive be honored? ...
The Case of Jennie M: To Tube Feed or Not
Jennie has an advance directive which does not address artificial nutrition. Who makes this decision now that Jennie can't speak ...
The Case of Jesse, Unrepresented and Homeless
A 60-year-old homeless man, “Jesse,” is found confused and in distress by a passerby who calls 911. Paramedics bring the ...
The Case of Joe
"Joe" is a 62-year-old building contractor who has been in an ICU for the past 10 weeks. He had gone ...
The Case of Sepsis in a Newborn
The "Clinical Moment" in Short Bowel Syndrome: What Can We Do, What Should We Do? ...
The Case of Pat: Unprepared to Talk About Dying
Pat B. had never talked with her father about dying. Even when he was older and had remarried after her ...
The Case of Nancy Cruzan
A thirty-year-old accident victim suffered lack of oxygen to her brain for six to twenty minutes. She was in a ...
After the Heart Attack – Sister Rosemary Flanigan, PhD
In early 2012, at age 85, Dr. Rosemary Flanigan suffered and survived a heart attack. Fifteen years earlier, Dr. Flanigan ...