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Long-Term Care - Institution, Residence, Hospital, or Home?

Long-Term Care – Institution, Residence, Hospital, or Home?

Finding quality long-term nursing care is a growing concern for millions of Americans ...
End-of-Life Care in the Nursing Home

End-of-Life Care in the Nursing Home

End-of-Life Care in the Nursing Home - Is a Good Death Compatible with Regulatory Compliance By using relevant clinical practice ...
Educational Initiatives in Long-Term Care

Educational Initiatives in Long-Term Care

Educational Initiatives in Long-Term Care Most Americans would doubtless agree that positive change is a critical need in facilities providing ...
Hospice in the Nursing Home - A Valuable Collaboration

Hospice in the Nursing Home – A Valuable Collaboration

Hospice in the Nursing Home Long-term care facilities have one of the most difficult tasks in healthcare: to maximize the ...
Saying Goodbye - The Terri Schiavo Case

Saying Goodbye – The Terri Schiavo Case

We struggled to say "Goodbye. We love you, Terri." ...

The Case of the Careless Caregiver

Has caregiving gone wrong in this case? ...
Pathways to Convergence Report

Pathways to Convergence Report

Pathways to Convergence Report The Center for Practical Bioethics with the support of Pew Charitable Trusts engaged a small group ...
Living Wills

Living Wills

Decisions about medical care involve choices based on ethical and other values ...
Missouri's Living Will Law

Missouri’s Living Will Law

Missouri's living will law became effective in September 1985 ...
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